
The Rhythm of the World


04-07-2013, 10:32 AM
OOC: So sorry for the wait! Did not realize I had two people waiting for me ^^;

A slight grimace fought to appear on Balarine's expression at the slight disappointment the male showed for a brief instant at her lack of inquiry to his pack. She ached to know more, to be told about these wondrous lands by someone who lived upon them and knew them far better than she, and was glad he went on regardless of her asking him to. His words were spot on, calling her a follow rather than a leader ? never in her life had she been bold enough, courageous enough, outgoing enough to do anything that may count towards a role of leadership. No, she kept to herself, watched instead of did, payed attention and simply learned rather than spend precious time fighting or hunting.

Subtle trembles marked her tail, shaking it with the subtlest of tiny wags at the description he gave her. Her mind danced with dizzying daydreams, flooding her with self-made images of the place he spoke of. It had to be so beautiful, so wonderful, to make him seem so very fond of it. A serene forest of mangroves, their roots speckled up over the moist earth, water gently rushing by, it's trickle a lullaby to the trained ear. Caught up in her own thoughts she relaxed just the slightest. It was clear to her that this male was hardly a threat ? yes, the possibility existed that he was simply luring her into a false sense of security, but she chose to think better of him ? and so as they spoke, she began to grow slightly more comfortable with his presence. It was a foreign thing, for her to be seated so near another wolf, talking casually about the world around them, as one-sided as the conversation truly was. She was hardly a talkative beast.

Thoughtfulness flickered through her expression, curious to see these lands he spoke of for herself, to meet this alpha he claimed was so different than most she had heard of. For a brief moment her mouth opened as if to reply to his words, though instantly it shut tight, body shrinking down as another male entered the scene, a brawny brute of grays and tans, amber eyes shining out from his skull. He stood tall with an air of authority to him as he introduced himself. An Imperator? It sounded like an important rank. Perhaps he was the alpha of this pack he spoke of? He certainly looked the part. Quickly her head ducked, tail tucked tightly in submission to the man; if she was indeed in the presence of an alpha, she figured it would be best not to get off on the wrong foot by not showing the proper respect to him.

?I am called Balarine, Sir.? she spoke quietly, loud enough to be heard clearly but hardly much more, remaining in her submissive, tentatively fearful posture. The brute before her was quite a sight, especially to one so unfamiliar with the appearance of other wolves. Certainly she had been missing out, not being aware that the world held such handsome creatures as the ones that stood before her. She had met few wolves in her young life, and none were much to look at. The Imperator did not carry the same mellowed, easygoing charm the white male had shown, yet still there was something to say for the regal posture he possessed.