
Pass the asprin



6 Years
07-21-2015, 10:02 PM
Okay, so he had certainly gone overboard. Perhaps he did have a bit of an obsessive personality. When something managed to grab his flitting focus, he would put his everything into it. The first thing he had obsessed about as a child was his speed, and he would often work himself sick trying to get faster and faster. Then it was their banishment, and he'd worry himself to the point of insomnia thinking about why they were banished and trying to erase whatever mistakes inside of him that caused it. It was then that he had doned his signature smile to hide the pain, to try and appear as easy going and gentle as he could. When his siblings were banished, he obsessed excessively over their care, never letting any of them leaving his sight and becoming almost overbearing. His staggered insomia continued, because he could never settle his thoughts when it came to his siblings. He obessed about their care, their safety, about finding them a new home...

With a gentle sigh he'd shuffle through the sand, forgetting even what leg to limp on. It kind of hurt here...and well, there...and, perhaps a little of everywhere, not that he wanted to admit it. Perhaps he was a little too obsessed with this. At the beginning of Gaia's pregnancy it was helping her get used to it, learning all he could about the medical process and refusing to leave her side. And, he was most concerned about his skills as a protector. He couldn't depend on them to win against every opponent, and he needed to be able to protect his wife and children. He had too, he just...needed too.

"Ow" He groaned as he pulled himself up to his favorite sitting rock and practically collapsed, feeling the pain vibrate through him from where he didn't know. He had to figure out how to deal with all this...repercussions before Gaia got too concerned. Somehow.

"Burn Baby Burn"