
The World Is Gonna Know Your Name



04-07-2013, 11:07 AM
In the end, neither Tortugan was worth the time and effort of fighting. The woman backed out - and Chrysanthe no longer felt the respect and admiration that she had for her moments before. And the silly old man went and fainted before she could really close in on him. The Valhallan sighed, her eyes boring over to Kain for a moment - some alpha, letting others fight his battles for him and then even they backed out from any real sort of challenge. Perhaps she was wrong about Tortuga, they weren't evil, weren't dangerous - just frail and rather lazy.

Regardless of the bad taste in her mouth, the male loosing meant that Neo was a part of Valhalla once more, even though he probably didn't know it.

"You seem to be one to avoid trouble, and you don't take up fights you can't win - it will now be more trouble to keep him than ever before, leader." Her words were spoken evenly to the large white wolf, spat with a nasty monotony that promised something a little more wild in the future. Yet she didn't stick around after that. Dark lips spread over sharp white teeth, and she grinned at her brethren for a fight well fought before bumping her head near his shoulder.

If he had business here, or somewhere to be with the woman that he had claimed into their pack, he could handle it - but she would be heading home.

-exit Chrysanthe-