No Place for a Bitter Man
07-23-2015, 09:25 AM
Frith's bicolored gaze lingered on the cat as Aslan hesitated slightly in his answer. It seemed the situation was not quite as cut and dry as he'd first expected. Had winter still been upon them he might've just chased her out with no questions asked. It was spring though, and the earth's bounty was springing forth. There was enough food in Threar for another mouth. She was Aslan's friend, and that would be enough for Frith. He'd take a cautious step towards her, not intending to get close but he wanted her attention. (not that her eyes had wandered from him much.) "Will you come and speak with me?" He'd ask her, obviously he was not going to be treading closer to her as he sat back upon his rump. There were some questions he had for her, and if she intended upon lingering in his pack lands he wanted to know the answers.