
Blood On The Breeze

The Judge


07-23-2015, 09:51 PM (This post was last modified: 07-23-2015, 09:54 PM by Head Judges.)



5 for clarity:

  • -2  Which side of her neck is he aiming for?  Is he aiming for the underside?   I couldn't be sure.  It would help if you state how he's planning to position his jaws.
  • -1  Which right leg is he going for?  We aren't allowed to assume and it could change the positioning dramatically.
  • -2  Where on her right leg was the feint aimed for, the distance to move from the feint to the target in his next attack can be effected by this and change how an opponent may counter.

8 for powerplaying.
  • -2   "The moment he was in close enough…" you need to attempt to close the distance between yourself and your opponent.  Also the words "close enough" could be elaborated on.  How close was he trying to get to her before pulling a feint?

3 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen

3 for attack.
  • +3 for bite +1 for grip -1 for clarity issue

10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Vengeance's round one total: 29/50

10 for clarity:

  • none seen, good work

8 for powerplaying.
  • -2  I feel Esti should've taken more damage from that bite, between Vengeance's greater height and her own forward momentum  which she'd have had to stop.

10 for defenses.
  • +1 for each

6 for attack.
  • +2 shoulder slam -1 If his jaws are under her it's likely she'd need to move back (and in), not forward to ram her shoulder into his face.  
  • +1 paw stomp, point not given for maim attempt as it's unlikely the stomp could actually break bones.  Sprain would be more likely.
  • +3 bite +1 grip attempt +1 maim attempt

10 for injuries.
  • First round.

Esti's round one total: 44/50


5 for clarity:

  • -1   which shoulder is he using to hold her weight?
  • -2 what part of her body is in contact with his shoulder?  How is he positioned under her?  
  • -1  "continuing straight at an angle"  I think I get the movement but it could still be clearer, especially as he is under her but his target is near side.
  • -1  how great is the damage to the scruff?  It's not a shield so there was likely at least some damage but how much?  The notes you place at the bottom are for opponents, judges can only reference what is in the IC post.

8 for powerplaying.
  • -2   You need to attempt to push against her hind legs

3 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen

3 for attack.
  • +2 push to topple, -2 for clarity and powerplay issues
  • +3 bite

8 for injuries.
  • -1 moderate bruising to shoulders
  • -1 light wound to scruff

Vengeance round two total: 27/50

8 for clarity:

  • -1  A bit lost on how she's trying to push his face up when her body is currently over him
  • -1 how is she angling her left leg to wrap both around the neck and behind the shoulders?

7 for powerplaying.
  • -3 while they are close in height and size I don't think she could halt the movement of a larger wolf with just one paw, it would be another matter if was two or if she was throwing her chest into him, also you mention her weight is also balanced on her hind legs so it's not all being put into the paw, if that makes sense?

10 for defenses.
  • +1 each seen

4 for attack.
  • +0 chest/shoulder shove, they're so close I don't see how this could really do damage
  • +3 bite +1 grip, no points given for maim, the muscles of the neck are very thick it's unlikely she'd be able to break them in the first bite

8 for injuries.
  • -2 moderate lacerations

Esti's round two total: 37/50


0 for clarity:

  • -2 what part of him is he pushing into her?
  • -2 what part of her body is he targeting this push?
  • -1 you say he's going for a bite did he release his other grip?  We can't assume.
  • -2 you need to be specific in your attacks, either he's going for a bite or trying to bump his jaws into hers, don't leave it open for your opponent or they'll be sure to pick the option with the least damage to their character
  • -3 where on her jaws is he looking to bite?  The middle?  the corner?  upper or lower jaw? you then mention the nose.  You need to pick one specific target and go all in.

6 for powerplaying.
  • -2  with his head as the fulcrum for his rotation I don't see how he could avoid her bite entirely, she would likely have bitten flesh before he managed to shuffle all that way.
  • -2 you need to attempt to push into her

2 for defenses.
  • +1 for each seen

1 for attack.
  • +1 for bite?, points deducted for numerous clarity issues
  • +0 shove, points deducted for clarity issues

8 for injuries.
  • -0 for light bruising to face
  • -2 bite would (judges determined damage, see first pp note)

Vengeance round three total: 15/50

9 for clarity:

  • -1
  • how is she rotating? Is she shuffling?  you mention springy legs did she hop around?  

6 for powerplaying.
  • -2  I don't feel that her turning her head is enough movement for the attack to only pick off loose fluff and cause a pinch
  • -2
  •  A wolves forelimbs are not that strong where as they're necks are very strong, snapping a wolves neck with the forelimbs is just not possible.  It's also highly unlikely she could cause him to strangle by putting pressure on the back of his neck rather than the front.

10 for defenses.
  • +1 each seen

4 for attack.
  • +0 claw attack, wolves claws aren't sharp enough to do significant damage through all the fur on the neck
  • +3 bite +1 grip
  • +0 neck snapping, due to powerplay issues

8 for injuries.
  • -2 moderate lacerations to face (judges deduction)  

Esti's round three total: 37/50


ESTI: 118/150

And the winner is...

ESTI! Vengeance must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.  Esti's maim is successful.


  • Minor wound to scruff  (5 ooc days to heal)
  • Moderate bruises to shoulders (5 ooc days to heal)
  • Moderate bite to neck (2 ooc weeks to heal)
  • Severe wound/maim to ear (4 ooc weeks to heal)
  • Minor wound to chest (5 ooc days to heal)
  • Moderate wounds to cheek and upperarm (2 ooc weeks to heal)

I'm pretty brief with these, I say most of what I want in deductions.  

Noki:  Work on getting more of your defenses set, these could really help your score.  I think you just need more practice in general getting used to the fight system here and then you should be good to go!  Pick specific targets and work on your clarity.

Iko:  Nice showing!  Your clarity in the first round was great.  Just work on carrying that on to the next rounds and watch the realism in some of your attacks and movements. As judges aren't supposed to refer to material outside the posts I only skimmed your notes. Basically if your opponent doesn't clarify something then you need to which you did so you're fine.

- By [Lunarcat7]