
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)



5 Years
07-23-2015, 10:06 PM
With narrowed gaze, ears pulled back to his skull, teeth bared, and his hackles raised the Author would seek to land his attacks. She moved so his teeth would not find purchase, his chest would slide off her shoulder as his forelimbs missed their mark. He'd catch her with his elbow, but that didn't do anything either. He wouldn't keep hold of her and Frith's paws would return to the ground as the man redistributed his weight as his knees bent and his shoulders rolled. He'd tuck his chin, align his tail with his spine, and splay his chocolatey toes.

The man would seek to pivot on his front right leg, redistributing his weight and aiming to rotate 90 degrease to make his and Katja's bodies into a 'T' shape. This movement would cause his opponent's attempted trip to miss, her shoulder attack would clip his upper front left shoulder, creating mild bruising on the muscle. Her teeth would grasp only air as his form was shifted away from her. He'd aim to use the momentum of his movement's to slam the point of his right shoulder into the soft middle of her left belly, much like where she'd aimed to bite him in her previous attack. He'd seek to cause her internal bleeding as he aimed for her gut in the very center of the soft flesh between hip and ribs.

With his left leg he'd attempt to lift it, again redistributing his weight to the other three paws that were on the ground. Each paw would splay their toes as he dug his claws into the earth with the three on the ground and aimed to use his dull claws to scratch down the back of her left leg and cause pain enough to cause her to stumble. With his opened jaws the Author would rotate his head to the right and seek to forcefully bite at her spine. His top jaw would seek the right while his lower sought the left side of her spine, directly behind where her ribs would end. He'd want to bite down and crush, hopefully severing her spinal chord and leaving her paralyzed.

Frith v Katja for raid/dominance/whatevesfightpost! round 2 of 2
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