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04-07-2013, 12:33 PM (This post was last modified: 04-07-2013, 12:35 PM by Thane.)
The brute had been on his first hunt as Lead Hunter and he had found it exhilarating. Thane had always enjoyed hunting but boy was that a hunt; he looked forward to more in the future. But for now the male just walked aimlessly by the border. Did he want to go explore the foreign lands once more or stay here. White lined ears twitched at the hard decision.

Thane was still shaken up a bit from his experience on death's door a few days ago. Well...he had been unconscious since spring and it was now summer; how weird it was to wake up to something new. The brute shook his handsome head as he walked over to a puddle and stared into it with his aqua blue eyes. What did he see now? the forgotten prince? a gentleman? or just a wolf? It only took a stroke of a dark gray paw to make the surface ripple and the mirrored image blur. Turning away the wolf stood in one of his usual gallant poses and took a deep breath.

What would he do today, it was a nice day after all. Should he hunt some more, go explore, have a chat with a, he would take this day to reflect. White lined ears perked up as a rustle was heard from the bushes nearby. Was it his faithful companion Cyril? The golden eagle had really never sneaked up on him often. The bird just flew on by with his amber wings and usually perched on his shoulder.

Then again how long has he known Cyril? Since thane was a pup they had both been through everything thick and thin. And yet after the war the bird had found his friend.

"Who is there? And state your reason of being here." the brute called in an almost demanding tone.

Thane had realized he was at the border and a trespasser could be just at the edge where he was.

The male kept calm but stood still in his gallant post with his dark tail swaying back and forth.