
one, twenty one guns



9 Years
Athena I
07-24-2015, 08:15 PM

He watched Abby curiously as she began to explain herself. He smiled kindly and waited patiently for her to get it out, letting her stutter and struggle all she needed. Surprise showed in his expression at her request, but he didn't see it as an unreasonable one. She then added that she wanted to take Bacchus with her and he would look to the young man. He gave no objections and seemed to be waiting for an answer just as eagerly. He did have to agree that if Abby was going to go on an adventure he certainly didn't want her to do it alone and it wasn't likely for anyone to mess with her with a man the size of Bacchus at her side.

He looked back to Abby and smiled. "Well, I certainly understand wanting to get a little bit of adventure in during your younger years. I did some exploring myself when I was younger. I don't have a problem with you going on your trip and I would be happy for Bacchus to go with you." He glanced to Bacchus, knowing that he would take protecting her seriously so he didn't feel a need to remind him of that. Looking back to the sure to be very excited Absinthe, he asked, "I don't want to rush your trip, but just remember to come back as soon as you're done with your journey. Maybe you could check back in if you find yourself needing to be gone for longer than anticipated? If for no other reason than to make sure you're both okay." A thought suddenly dawned on him and he looked at them both. "Does Athena and Amalia know you two are going on a trip? They'll both be upset if you don't say goodbye I'm sure.

"Talk" "You" Think