
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)



4 Years
07-24-2015, 10:41 PM

Go, go, GO! Warja zeroed in on the large boy who snarled. He seemed game, so he was her target. Kicking off sharply, Warja was out of line and racing forward with her sights set on her soon-to-be opponent. Hackles lifted as she ran, her defenses quickly falling into place. Her head lowered, ears flattened, eyes narrowed and lips curled. The little healer's tail lifted to flag straight out behind her for balance. She kept her stance wide, her knees bent, toes splayed, weight centered and her nails gripping into the dirt as she ran.

She aimed to approach the chocolate-masked boy head on with the center of her chest lined up with the center of his chest. Warja intended to wait until the last possible second to make it seem like she was going to run into him head on before quickly sidestepping to her left. In doing this she hoped to line the front of her right shoulder up with the elbow crease of her opponent's right foreleg. Raising her right forefoot (her weight redistributing to accommodate the move as she did so) Warja sought to slam it down on the toes of her opponent's right forefoot. She sought to pin it beneath her. As she did this she jutted her right shoulder forward, intending to drive the bony front of it into the elbow crease of the boy's right foreleg. Warja hoped these two move would aid one another and worsen the damage done. By (hopefully) pinning the forefoot and then running into the foreleg, she hoped the force of her shove would painfully wrench his shoulder and strain the fibers that held it in its socket, and in doing so, render the limb useless for the time being.

Crown rolling to her left so that her muzzle rose to her right, Warja's jaws flung wide as she sought to bite into the center of the meaty exterior of her opponent's right shoulder. She intended to drive her fangs in deeply and achieve a hold that would cause a tremendous amount of pain and hopefully, combined with her other attacks, overwhelm the boy and force him to submit.

Round ONE of TWO
