
Sweet Spring Storm

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-25-2015, 03:32 PM

She stuck her tongue out at her best friend as he told her she was difficult to ignore. She wasn't sure if that was a compliment or a an insult, and treated it lightly. As they settled in the water and became more still the cold would start to effect the younger wolf. She shivered, and her teeth started to chatter. It was a cold day after all, the aftermath of the storm had lowered the overall temperature dramatically and now they sat still in chilled waters. Her attention wouldn't be on the cold however, it would be on the boy. He said her mother was strong, and that she had to admit to. Her mother was strong willed, Shaye should know – she had butted head with her mother on more then one occasion.

“I don't think its as simple as that. How we deal with things is just who we are. I guess your suppose to be more wild, more unpredictable, a storm. It spices things up a little for your family” she teased him “I'm no stronger or weaker being okay with the way my family formed” but all of that sounded far too serious and Shaye yawned, shaking her head in an attempt to brush away her chattering teeth.

"Burn Baby Burn"


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