
Is It Fate? [Deimos]


07-25-2015, 04:44 PM

Admittedly, she had been too focused on his unnatural proportions to realize he had a fresh kill in tow. Asking if she was always so rude drew a tinkering laugh from her lungs and she smirked, "Are you kidding? I'm just warming up." Lyre watched the way his muscles bunched up and strained as he propelled himself up beside her, and it was a struggled to maintain her pissed persona. Really though, how did a wolf grow so large? It was just plain unreasonable. When the brute dropped the fawn at her paws her ears perked up on their own accord. "You certainly know how to sway a girl." She picked up her gaze, pressing it against his own shade of blue. "I'm Lyre. Diamáchi, not that a family name matters when you don't have any family in these parts." She shrugged and leaned forward to sniff the tiny dead creature between them. It's warmth still wafted from the body. Ah, but she loved the spring.

What few manners she had told her that it would be impolite to start devouring this so-called gift without at least a bit of polite chatter, so she sized the male up once more now that he was closer. Much closer, she noted, when a breath in overwhelmed her in his unfamiliar scent. She felt dwarfed beside him and wondered if there could be in harm in garnering a new behemoth as a potential friend. "And how about you, do you have a name? Unfortunately 'Valiant Hunter' just has too many syllables for my taste so we'll have to come up with something different." She smirked, one brow lifting to see if he would keep up with her banter. Play on words was one of the few true joys she had in this life, and if he couldn't roll with it she'd just have to find a new giant, that's all.

"Talk" "You" Think