
In a Hole in the Snow Lay a Hárekr



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-25-2015, 10:07 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2015, 10:09 PM by Sin.)
He listened to the strangers introduction, the blood stained male putting that name to memory. Hà odd name, and he wondered about its origins. As curious as he was, he wouldn't ask about it just yet. He'd ask for his name, and in turn Sin would give it to him. "Sin Armada. Pleasure." was all he'd muster. Sin cared not for his parents, his mother and father both being tyrants and unworthy of mentioning. Sin was all his own, the lineage restarting with him. He had three children already, with more on the way.

The small smile that had appeared previously grew a little bigger, not because he had something hidden up his sleeve but because it was perhaps, the first time anyone had asked him to show them around. He nodded, "I could show you. The Northern parts here has much to offer, unfortunately the better parts are inhabited by two packs that reside here much to my dislike. But there are a few places worth checking out."

Sin turned his head, indicating the way he came. "That way Is the Polar Sound. Where I got this seal. And you are correct, nearby there are some herds of caribou and they travel throughout this region. There's also wild goat in these regions, along with musk ox. If it's bigger game you're looking for." He eyed the male, wondering if he had any intentions of his own other then sight seeing. Sin after all, had an agenda to fill. He needed more followers, to begin the pyramid of his empire to be.

He pawed at his prey, and to be honest he wasn't all that hungry. He had only really caught it because it was just lying there, and he wouldn't let an opportunity at spilling blood go to waste. "You can have this if you're hungry. My children aren't around, and I'm not too hungry. Otherwise it can be saved for later lest it be left as crow food. But I'm not a very wasteful individual. This spring seems to be a little harder this year, so it's best not to waste it. It's up to you, however."