
you got a reaction, didn't you?



6 Years
07-26-2015, 12:42 AM
Terrae didn't seem to appreciate Voltage's humor, but perhaps that was more due to Volty springing such large news onto him than anything else. For a moment he wondered if Terrae was feeling pressure from Voltage asking him to learn about pregnancy, but that didn't much feel right. It could still be true, but it didn't feel like it was. So he'd grin at Terrae. "Yeah, slow. Like Glacier." He said with a teasing grin. Voltage didn't take things slow, whether it was life, or walking, emotions or even...things as important and life changing as this. But this was something he had always wanted, his own little family. It was almost subconcious now, the desire to give life to those he would love forever, to refuse to make the mistakes their parents did. Voltage had been a big brother for so long, a guide, a confidant, someone who would protect and lead and make silly jokes to get smiles on faces. And he was upgrading to a father, and none of that would change. Life wouldn't change one bit, because truley...he had always taken on a parental role, ever since he was a mere year old. It's been a long time coming, this title. "Oh Terrae," He sighed happily, tilting his head towards the sky as he grinning, eyes fluttering closed. "I don't think I've ever felt this happy." He'd laugh again, amazed at the emotion that flooded through him. And he'd walk again, his paws light as feathers in the black sand. But then he'd hum, blinking slightly before smiling back to Terrae as he paused, yet again. "Well no, that's not true." He remembered a time, so long ago. The day he would bounce and plead and run and race, and the smile never ever left his face and Glacier would pretend to be annoyed but he couldn't stop smiling either. "No, i've felt this before. The day you were born." He whispered with a happy grin, his eyes a light with memory as their parents finally let Voltage and Glacier see their little siblings. The moment his stormy gaze landed on his little brothers and sisters, he was in love. It was love at first sight. "God, you were tiny." He'd chuckle then, shaking his head as he moved to walk again, this time without pausing. "And so adoreable....I wonder what happened?" He'd say in jest, his grin never leaving his face.

"Burn Baby Burn"