
My Doctor Told Me To Start Killing People



7 Years
07-26-2015, 09:52 AM
Kassander and Rommel had gone off alone again, this time to make the effort to explore the northern lands they were to call 'home' now. He wasn't expecting to find any sort of healing herbs on this expedition, because it was entirely too far north and too early in the spring yet for there to be anything growing up here. Lichen and wintergreen would probably be the extent of it and he didn't really need either of those things. Today was just an exercise in curiosity. Rommel ranged out away from him, the tactically-minded vulpine on the lookout for dangers but close enough to hear Kassander if he got himself into trouble. Chances are he wouldn't see the fox much on the journey unless something came up - Rommel would continue to scout out away from him in a circular pattern even if Kass stopped to investigate something.

So it was a bit of a surprise for Kassander to come up on the fox sitting beside a pillar of strange black rock with his head cocked, staring out over a black sand beach. It looked... weirdly tropical considering it was the north. "Rommel?" he queried, stepping closer. "What's wr - " He stopped abruptly, his gaze finally falling on what had the fox's attention. A white male, fur stained with blood and obvious fresh wounds dotting his form, limp in the water. Without another word the healer sprang forward. He'd pull them out of the water, see if they were breathing. He had a theory that he could bring someone back from drowning by breathing for them, but it wasn't exactly proven. He'd get them breathing if he could and then warm them up before he worried about the wounds...

Reaching the male's side he sought to fasten his teeth in the scruff of his neck to drag him out of the water - caught in his initial assumption and oblivious for the moment to the fact that the male was conscious and had laid in the water deliberately.