
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)

Katja the First


8 Years
07-26-2015, 05:41 PM

She felt Frith shift to drop his left foreleg off her back, as he pivoted away from her and the jarring strike of her shoulder against his as minor bruising spread along the front of her shoulder, her jaws snapping together on nothing. She planted her forelegs and stepped her hindquarters to her right, pivoting as she followed to keep facing Frith, aiming to face him directly head on. As she moved she shifted her forefeet to keep her from getting twisted up, carefully keeping her paws hip- and shoulder-width apart as the paws returned from each step. Her knees and elbows were bent, all her joints loose and fluid as she moved. Her paws were spread wide for greater surface area for traction, the toes flexed to drive dull claws into the earth to propel her. Her head and tail both balanced level with her spine, her head pulling back slightly as her shoulders pressed forward to bunch up the scruff of her neck, her chin tilting down slightly to protect her throat. Her hackles raised, and her ears pressed back against her head as her eyes remained narrowed.

With her pivot, his attempt to slam his shoulder into her side failed to make contact. His paw scraped down the front side of her left foreleg, leaving minor welts along the midpoint of the foreleg down to her wrist, the faint stinging leaving her unphased. His teeth grazed her left hip rather than her spine as she had shifted to follow his motion a split second after he had and lagged a moment behind him, allowing his teeth to catch her before she got entirely out of his reach. Moderate lacerations arched down her hip a couple inches in front of her tail from just below her spine down for several inches.

Shifting her weight to her hindquarters, she rounded her back to bring them beneath her. Her hindpaws digging into the dirt she twisted to bring her right shoulder forward, and in a swift, powerful motion sought to thrust up and to her left, attempting to use the point of her right shoulder to strike the lower left side of Frith's trachea a few inches above where it connected his chest in an attempt to deviate the tube, hoping to crush the cartilage and ruin his breathing. Simultaneously she attempted to hook her jaws around the front of his throat at the jawline - her upper teeth seeking to sink in just behind and below where his jaws were connected on his left side, and her lower teeth seeking the same target on the other side - in an attempt to scissor together in a strong grip and sever or crush his upper trachea and the veins and arteries that ran along the back of the jaw. Her left forepaw, the weight already off it and slightly raised for her attempted strike to his throat, sought to wrap around the outside of his right foreleg to hook on the back of his ankle in an attempt to jerk it toward her as she pushed off with her hindquarters, seeking to pull it out from under him and disrupt his balance.


Round 2/2
OOC Notes: