
Don't sink in the sand!


04-07-2013, 02:27 PM

The sound of thunder rang throughout the muddy land as the rain pored down upon this wasteland. Tikaani's nostrils flared as the scent of two others filled the air. She took in a deep breath, they were female, older than her nonetheless but female. A snarl bubbled up and out of her throat as her scared face turned in the direction of the Female who seemed to think she needed help. Tikaani's ears pinned in the direction of the first female who had arrived. She stood up and turned in the direction of the other wolf. She did not enjoy the presence of either of the two wolves here.

"Steam, and drift away in to nothingness. I am no weakling, and who are you to tell me such things?" She said with a deep evil growl bubbling up and out of her throat. Her fur bristled up, ears pinned to her head, teeth bared. Tikaani had already hit her full height of 36' and full weight of 137pounds. Her scared up face glared at the female who had dared to come in her presence. Tikaani walked closer to the female, a bone chilling growl speared up and out of her throat. One eye was a faded green while the other was a bright green. Her right eye she was completely blind in. "Why did you come here, I don't want your presence." Her head turned to the direction of the other female who was also here. "Both of you!"She snarled.

Tikaani's tail swayed aggressively, she did not want anyone's presence here expectantly another female's. Her chest rose and fell as she stood there head moving from one female to the other."Now Leave Me ALONE!" She growled and turned around. Tikaani took off running, her paws struck the ground leaving an inch crater in the mud. Her muscles rippled under her pelt as she snatched up her kill with out stopping and ran off in to the distance. She wanted to be left alone, if she get's interrupted one more time she knew it would get bloody, very bloody.


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