
thrill of a lifetime



7 Years

07-26-2015, 09:09 PM

As he listened to her with wide eyes, she listened to him with equally as wide eyes. Especially with the bison bit. "What's a bison?" she interupted, fascination in the depths of her green eyes. big? how big? And those plains - those sounded really cool. She bet they weren't really like the Rustling Thicket, with the grass that was higher than her. She also couldn't resist chuckling along with him, guessing he had a rather too-close encounter with them. She'd definitely ask about that. And hills. She wanted to see lots of hills. The lands around Abaven and the East were rather flat, though the ocean was beautiful. Swimming wasn't, but at least if you stayed n a certain course you always had an island in view, even if you had to fight against the waves sometimes.

Those sparkling green eyes stayed wide as the fruit trees were described, widening even more at the implication that the fruit were eaten. Eat fruit? They were wolves! They didn't eat fruit! At the same time, she couldn't help but be curious about how fruit tasted... though her mouth watered more at the mention of squirrels and rabbits. That thought was sidetracked at the thought of the Range, which made her eyes light up. As fascinating as plains and hills were, she loved the woods. It was one thing that made her sad that Abaven didn't have a forest - she had always, always enjoyed the foresty smells and tastes and, ohhh. "I believe it," she said earnestly.

Pleasure wormed it's way even more deeply into her as the boy grinned along side her, and she giggled as he continued speaking, though a slight twinge of disappointment flowed through her. Hopefully his father would. She laughed again, bright and cheery, at his comments. "Well then, do you need to be escorted home?" she teased, though there was a hint of sincerity in the tone, simply due to the fact she'd love to see his home.


Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.