
Call the Ambulance



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
07-26-2015, 09:23 PM
It was a new day for Avalon, however, nervousness had been clenching her belly quite drastically lately. Each day that passed, Arian was getting closer and closer to her due date. Her growing belly confirming that. She had not expected it to be today, however. Since she woke up, she had been pacing her cabin. Back and forth, and sometimes from her bed to the door as she breathed fresh air each time. Why was she so nervous today?

A flash of movement caught her attention, the girl knowing that an apprentice was to aid Arian when the time came. She thought that maybe she was seeing things for a moment, but the body ran by again, and again and again. Alarm spread through her, it was time wasn't it!? Avalon gave chase after the boy, paws skidding beneath her as she fell ungracefully on her side in her haste. Her heart beat against her chest like the wings of a hummingbird, excitement and anxiety clawing at her insides.

Picking herself up rather quickly, she made her way towards Arian den where the mingled scents of Arian, Starling, and Cypress lingered. But beneath that, many new scents wafted towards her as well. Quickening her pace, she peered into the den, small noises of whining and crying reached her ears, and the small forms of squirming bundles were clamoring for the warmth of their mothers milk. She arrived in time to hear the word Juniper, and she glanced at the child that Starling had just named.

She was in awe, never had she seen newborn puppies before, and they were simply beautiful despite the mess of giving birth. "Congratulations Arian and Cypress! They're beautiful children!" She would exclaim. She stepped inside just behind Starling, nosing his left hip as her eyed sparkled. She couldn't imagine how nerve wracking it must have been for the young one to help in the deliverance of new life. "Well done, you did a wonderful job." She praised him wholeheartedly.


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