
Don't Make A Mistake



10 Years
07-27-2015, 09:22 AM

Rage was not at all unlike him, and yet the attack had merely left him annoyed - it'd only been successful given the element of surprise, and though low-blows were not at all above him, it still pissed him off that he'd been caught off guard by some sniveling bitch. He was glad that Hypnos did not linger on the subject long, for he didn't want sympathy, though the sudden look of confusion evident on his protege's face had been quite amusing. Still, the subject seemed quick to shift and he would gladly turn his attention to whatever was on Hypnos's mind.

It seemed.. he'd been visiting a girl? Not just any girl, but the weakling that Katja and himself had claimed as a prisoner. His own nostrils flared, his posture stiffening slightly as he considered. "You love her," he would reiterate softly, musing over this confession. He had known a love like this once - something deep and powerful, and so dangerous it could have easily gotten him killed.  Something he could never admit, not even to Katja,  a secret shared between only himself and the gods. But it was difficult to fathom loving one so weak, so unlike himself. His nose wrinkled as he eyed Hypnos, his eyes narrowing. "Why do you love her? Because she is pretty and nice? Because she lets you have your way with her? Or is it something else?" He was curious, genuinely, and though his question was probing it was not meant to be blatantly offensive. The concept of love was a strange one to him and he wanted to understand. "Do you plan to live with her, or do you hope she will be allowed in Yfir?"

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.