
Paws and Claws


04-07-2013, 03:11 PM
Vaas was pumped and ready to go even if it would result in his messy death. But whatever as long as he went out like a champ he didn't mind, he just didn't wanna go out like a bitch. The puma screeched at him and Vaas chuckled. "Come on mother fucker its easy just attack, it just take one move COME ON!!" He snarled with a smile. The wound on his head officially bleeding pretty badly. Vaas saw the large cat was about to lay out another vicious attack before some other strange creature seemed to run out of know were and terrorize the cat. Vaas stood there frozen as he watched the two battle it out. "What the....." He whispered as the little demon chased the Puma out. The wounded raven looked at the female not to far off and back at the smaller animal. "Well...i guess the fucking works too." He said to himself as he turned around and went over to the two wolves, one of them being the cause of it all. He heard her speak about it being her fault and that she will take any punishment and Vaas walked up and put his shoulder to hers and gave a rather insane smile as he chuckled. "Actually how about we both get off with a warning, i mean look at the bright side, no one got hurt." He said crazed and he double winked at the other female. "I mean come on no fucking harm done right?" He asked leaning off the girl and rubbing his head. "Just a splinter."