
Tattered Sails & Sunken Ships



8 Years
Dragon Mod
07-27-2015, 02:34 PM
Shiki took a step toward her when he noticed she looked like she was about to cry. Stopping only when she began to speak. Her initial words froze him in place, and suddenly the world around him seemed as if it were standing still. All he could hear was the echo of her words, his vision filled only with her form while his world began to plummet in darkness. "The man who raped me was Kau Kedieo." No...his father wouldn't do that...he was too great to do something like that! He swallowed hard, that same line repeating itself in his head like a hated song stuck on repeat.

Tears rolled down her face as she continued. Slowly, he'd stare down at his paws and then back at her. His nostrils flaring just a tiny bit to see if this was true, but he was sure it wasn't true. It couldn't be! Was...was that why he didn't look like Pamela? And the reason he hadn't acquired his father's height? Instead, he had more resemblance to this woman...but he couldn't believe it. It couldn't be true!

And yet, as she spoke he remained quiet. His stance growing rigid with each passing second as his heart began to charge itself against his chest, and all the while it seemed as if he forgot how to breathe. And then it came. The part that would potentially destroy his hopes of his father coming back to him. "Your father lied... He must have taken you... He won’t be coming back. He was put to death for his crimes. He was nothing but a liar and a rapist. I... I’m sorry."

Before she could finish, he had already begun to shake his head. His eyes watering as he fought the onslaught of her words. She was crying, he was about to. His eyes stung as he tried to hold it down, but couldn't. Fire felt like it was in his tears, they were hot as they streamed down his face. His face in turn, contorted into pain, and fear, and doubt, and most of all...something else unnamed. Unexpressed. He couldn't believe it...she was lying! She didn't know him!

Suddenly, his head shot up, hot tears pouring down his face as he yelled. "You're lying! He would never do something like that!" His voice was shaking, cracking, filled with so many emotions it was hard to tell them apart. Fear, pain, anger, sadness, hate, and the strongest...denial. All his raging emotions were at their extremities. His world was shattering, but he'd keep himself afloat with denial.

"He's not dead! He'll come back! He's not a bad person! You're a liar! You're sick in the head to tell me those things! Who are you to tell me that!? My father was a great man! He'll come back for me! He always has before, and he will come back soon!" He tried to hold in the sobbing that threatened to overtake him, tried to force himself to swallow past the lump in his throat that threaten to choke him. He did choke back the tears a little, his teeth gritted as hardened golden gaze stared at Akemi. "You're a LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!!!"

He screamed at her, the seed of denial would begin to plant itself within his mind, to grow and sprout steadily until all would be clear. But however long that would take would be unknown. If he were anyone else, he probably would have attacked her, but instead he slowly backed away, gaze returning to the ground as his head shook side to side, fur bristling before turning and fleeing. He stomped over the death flower, and ran as fast and as hard as he could. He needed to get away from here, away from the truthful lies that were revealed today.

When he was far enough away, he stopped, the boy breathing heavily. His head turned to the heavens, a raw and emotion filled scream left his small body. Loud and long enough to leave his throat feeling raw and painful. Then finally, he'd collapse in a heap. Sobs wracking his body.

-Exit Shiki-