
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)



3 Years
07-27-2015, 02:44 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

It happened much too quickly. With one fight already initiated, it was clear more would be breaking out in a matter of moments, and the sound of Frith's rallying cry caused Miksa to visibly flinch. This was it; they were going to fight these intruding individuals to try and drive them back, and Miksa knew deep down he was not prepared enough for it. There was no time to question his decision in following his packmates here, no time to finish sizing up the opposition in order to try pairing himself with someone that he thought he might at least hold off for a bit, if not miraculously defeat. Even in the night, their eyes seemed to flash with a hunger for battle, and as one set of brilliant blue eyes fixed upon him he had only a second to process that he had been targeted before the large, shadowy figure lunged.

Instinctively - he was not consciously aware of what he was doing - Miksa set what few defenses he had the forethought to in the span of time it took for Laufey to reach him. He braced, squaring his stance as he crouched into it to lower his center of gravity and gripping at the earth with his toes and claws as if already holding on for dear life. His head lowered, causing his neck to align with his spine, and as his shoulders tensed, sensing the frontal attack, they rolled forward. His tail flagged straight out behind him, rigid as he prepped, and more from anticipation of being run right through his yellow eyes narrowed and his ears tucked, tensely awaiting the moment of contact and hoping he would not be crushed simply from the impact alone.

He was not crushed, no, but his shoulder felt like it might have been. Blinding pain flared from Miksa's left shoulder as his opponent threw his weight against it, wrenching it in the socket and straining against the muscle and tendons that held it in place. Tears blurred his vision, the terrible ache unlike anything he had ever felt, and whether or not it had truly been dislocated the damage was still severe enough to limit its use. Against the weight and force of his opponent, Miksa stumbled back a step but managed to catch himself between his three other uninjured legs, his injured left foreleg going limp as he tried to pick his paw up just off of the ground. He felt rather than saw Laufey's left forepaw graze his toes, knew with a panicking shock that he would be pinned in place if the shadowy attacker succeeded in forcing his heftier weight on that foot, and quickly attempted pull of his left forepaw back and away before a hold could be secured, though likely at the expense of further pain in his shoulder from the movement and tension in his sore muscles.

While he wanted nothing more than to forfeit, afraid that he might not be able to tolerate much more damage than what had already been dealt, he knew better than to think it would be acceptable, at least by his terms. He had made the decision to defend his home, and now he was going to keep his word. He could barely think around his panic, though thankfully the ache in his shoulder had already begun to dull from adrenaline, and desperately Miksa tried to make his first, meager attack. Still standing shoulder to shoulder with Laufey, Miksa attempted to turn his head slightly to the left to turn his muzzle toward his opponent, his jaws opening as his lips peeled back, and aimed an attempted a bite at the back side of Laufey's left shoulder, hoping to catch his top left canine tooth into the top of the shoulder and the bottom left to find a home somewhere in the middle of the broad muscle.

As Miksa attempted his bite, Laufey's bite hit but landed slightly offset of its destination because of the turn Miksa made with his head. Instead of the bite securing a grip just along the left side edge of Miksa's jaw, his opponent's upper teeth sank into the flesh covering the bone just slightly forward of its intended mark beneath the ear. The lower teeth, rather than easily scoring into the flesh beneath his jaw, just barely scraped in beneath the bone to secure a hold as Miksa's own jaws parted. The side of his jaw stung, almost burned, from the pain as the muscles on that side of his face contorted with a wince, and Miksa hoped against all hope that he would not simply end up collapsing at his opponent's feet, too weak to handle his pain and press on with the fight.

for dominance