
High for this



4 Years
07-28-2015, 04:53 AM
ooc: set before raid

Venturing outside of Threar's territory was a rarity for the young woman, not that she was solely confined within the borders. There had been times when she had left the comfortable and homely region of the falls, but always accompanied with her family. No-one had told her that she couldn't explore the outer regions, thus allowing her to develop a natural curiously of wanting to uncover the mystery. Though she was a well-behaved student, she was willing to take small risks in order to learn what was right and wrong. And so within the evening hours of the day, graceful limbs slipped over the border and into unclaimed territory. Perhaps it wasn't such a sensible idea to explore in the late hours of the day, although she was growing rather bored of the sunsets found within the familiar bay. It would be a quick stroll, returning just before dark if time permitted. After all, what could happen?

A particular area caught her interest, and was fortunately within close proximity of home. Many rivers snaked their way through the land until they all branched out to the ocean - similar to the bay though there were definitely some differences. It was a break from the usual, a change in scenery and she came just in time to watch the setting of the sun. With lengthy yet elegant strides, she sauntered over to the shore's edge, taking in the scents around her with long inhale. That was when she turned her head in the hopes of gazing upon as much of the coast's features as possible only to find an orange canine sitting a few metres away. Strangers - she hadn't ever conversed with them; should she? It would be quite rude of her to ignore their presence, all the while she grew more intrigued about them.

"Enjoying the sunset?" she articulately inquired with as much confidence as she could summon after taking a couple steps to reach their position, her tone and expression friendly.
