
Crawling in my skin

Katja the First


8 Years
07-28-2015, 09:19 AM

"The gods do not give it upon us to choose who we are born to," she rebutted mildly. "It is ours to choose to do with the life we are given, and your family did well for itself, for a time. All empires fall into dust eventually - the Finnvi are no different than the Armadas in that respect. One day even Asgard will fall."

She shifted, letting her gaze linger at the horizon. She knew perhaps more than most the truth of what she'd said; she had not chosen to be born cousin to a murderer, niece to his incestuous mother, but she had made her life and her family name into something that rose above the filth perpetuated by Jaeger and his mother.

"I would be pleased to be able to guide you," she said. "Just know that if you choose to uphold your oath now I will hold you to the same standards as any other who takes the oaths, no matter your inexperience in our ways. Tyr will guide you in this, if you listen to him and take care to never offend. He is the god of law and of justice as well as a warrior; he can guide you on a good path. But remember that the gods do not do anything for us. We are expected to do for ourselves. If we do not put forth the effort, they will not help us. Our life is hard, but we reap far greater rewards than any other who does not try." Not a rebuke, but a lesson for him, if he chose to listen. She would teach him, if he put in the effort to learn. "What would you seek to learn at this moment, Vereux Armada?"
