
May The Songs Wash Clean Our Hearts



6 Years
07-28-2015, 04:12 PM

When the man would speak for the first time after her explanation and she would not understand. To her it was just noise. Silently her brows would nit together and her head would tilt slightly to the left. He looked as though he couldn't believe what she had told him about Abbas. Before she had given him everything she knew about her own kind his eyes had been filled with curiosity now it seemed as though they were full of pity. She didn't want pity, she wanted her family back. Her mother and siblings in particular, but she would never be with them again. Her mother and sister were dead and she could only assume her brothers were two. His voice would come again, brining her out of her mind and placing her back in the world around her.

This time she could understand what he was saying. Her ears would perk toward him and her eyes would be curious once more. To any other creature she would have leapt at the chance to be hateful, to enslave them even. Skaelinger had been the only creature she had truly been nice to since coming here but Aqil was different. She had liked the tiger because he was beautiful, she did not take the time to get to know him as she only saw him as a potential for beautiful children. Yes she thought the Cheetah was a beautiful creature as well, but he seemed to see beauty in her where others didn't. They hadn't mentioned it anyway. "If you truly knew me you might not thing the same of me."

With her words she would think back to Vrel, her slave. Would this spotted male still think of her as beautiful and special if he knew she was a slave owner. Being in control of the wolf made her happy. Since the day Abbas threw her and two of her siblings from the cliff their den had been on, Kathleen hadn't felt in control of anything. She couldn't protect her sister that day, she couldn't protect her mother either. Being completely powerless had made her into a cold feline. She was close to no one, trusted no one. She was smart, but she made herself seem like an evil bitch to those around her to keep from getting hurt again. Again Aqil would pull her from within herself as he spoke once more in a foreign tongue. "What is that language?"