
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)



5 Years
Extra large
07-28-2015, 06:54 PM

Success! Laufey resisted the urge to roar his approval. His shoulder struck home, the blow jarring him back slightly and rattling his teeth. A mild bruise was sure to form across the front of his shoulder later, but the brute was unperturbed. It was a small price to pay. His paw stomp earned him some amount of success and while he was unable to pin his opponent's left forefoot to the ground, Laufey did succeed in inflicting mild welts and gouges across the top of the toes of it.

Pain set his nerves on fire as Miksa's bite landed. The boy succeeded in sinking his fangs into the meaty exterior of Laufey's left shoulder. Miksa's upper left canine dug in just below Laufey's left shoulder blade and his lower left canine drove in approximately four inches directly beneath it. Each tooth sunk in deeply and each created a moderate puncture wound. Laufey bristled and tensed all over, his rigid hackles standing tall over gooseflesh as the sensation of of being bitten rippled through him and caused his muscles to coil tightly. His lips peeled back farther and his narrowed eyes seemed to go black as his pupils dilated and the bunched skin around his eyes grew deeper. Laufey's ears slammed back against his head and his nostrils flared as a white hot rage overtook him, the feeling quickly becoming crystal clear to those around him as a savage bellow left his lips.

While roaring his disapproval at being bitten, Laufey sunk his teeth into his opponent. He didn't hit his intended target, but nonetheless he succeeded in inflicting harm. The damage was moderate, but the grip he achieved wasn't as solid as he would have liked. Nevertheless he intended to use it to his advantage. Keeping his paws firmly placed slightly wider than shoulder and hip width, the brute splayed his toes and dug his nails into the dirt. He bent his knees and elbows, the former bending slightly further as Laufey shifted his weight to his hind legs. Even with the majority of his weight on his hind legs he kept his forefeet on the ground. Laufey's tail flared up behind him for balance. His biting hold was weak, but he still hoped it could be of use. Trying to drive his teeth in deeper in an effort to keep his grip, Laufey sought to thrash his head from side to side in the hopes of worsening the wound considerably. He wanted to put his whole upper body into it, to not only jar the head of his opponent, but to (as much as the size difference between them would allow) shake him like his favorite squeaky toy.

With his weight already shifted to his hind legs Laufey had no trouble in readjusting his weight slightly to accommodate the sudden rise of his left forefoot. Sending it earthward, the brute sought once again to pin his opponent's left forefoot. As his forefoot fell, Laufey suddenly sprung forward  (using his coiled hind legs to kick off and hopefully pack a punch) as he sought to once again drive the front of his left shoulder into the crease between his opponent's left shoulder and chest. All three attacks would hopefully come together to serve a greater purpose. While he certainly hoped to worsen the wounds he'd already dealt, Laufey was also hoping to his attacks would overwhelm his opponent. He hoped the thrashing would disorient him and when Mika went to correct his balance, Laufey's shoulder throw and paw stomp would trip up the smaller man and cause him to fall to his (Miksa's) right.

Laufey may have started the fight, but that did little to slow the rage he felt at being bitten. He would put his opponent on the ground if it was the last thing he did.

Round TWO of TWO

This character is prone to acts of EXTREME violence when provoked. If this makes you uncomfortable do not thread with him.