
There's more to find



6 Years

07-29-2015, 12:40 AM
Esa waited quietly as he seemed to weigh in on what he should tell her. At last he had hesitated in his charade; he'd been smooth-speaking in his words and he now paused for just a moment. She tilted her head, then perked her ears as he finally spoke, offering the names of his family. She was pleasantly surprised, causing her to smirk. Her emerald eyes met his, eyes which flashed the bright yellow of canary. She couldn't help but to snort in laughter as he warned her about his siblings - so her suspicions had been right, and he did come from that kind of family. How would she even approach a member of his family if they were hostile?

She didn't have much time to think of that as he went on. His voice left her with an eerie feeling when he told her that she could go as she pleased, that he wouldn't hold her prisoner. Somehow she felt lucky, realizing that he probably wasn't joking. So why let her go? A shiver ran up her spine has he moved toward her, causing her to set her eyes on the great spires of ice rearing up over the ocean, avoiding his gaze. Why was he so close? Despite the uncertainty that ran through her, she felt a tingle of warmth despite the frigid climate when the tips of his hair brushed her shoulder. Suddenly he spoke his true name. Her lips pursed at first, but then grew into a grin. "I knew you were hiding it," she said cheekily with a light shove of her shoulder. She glanced sideways at him, her tail swishing very gently.

"Glad to meet you, Enigma," she said, blinking quickly before looking away, "I know you didn't want to reveal anything to me... I feel special." She cast him another sidelong glance, then stepped away from him, flicking him with her tail. "Hopefully we cross paths again," she said, and without another word, she took off. Fear pulsed through her veins, but at the same time she felt exhilarated as her claws dug into the ice, leaving behind the mysterious and eerie brute - she was lucky that he let her go. This time. And there was no way she'd forget him and his promise, and her silent pact to him. She knew she'd best never cross him nor his family, and yet... she knew she wouldn't hide from him if he came looking for her someday. In just moments her ebony form disappeared into a shroud of mist and gusting snow as she left for warmer lands...

-exit Esarosa-