
The Wind Whispered To Me


07-29-2015, 01:00 AM

Weary paws dragged her absently to nowhere. She didn't have a destination in mind, let alone a purpose. She was alone. Left to her own insecurities. Those she had come across shunned her for what she was, an abnormality and a disease that plagued the land. Was it her fault? She was born one way, but her mind and soul felt otherwise. She was different. Her feet would carry onto a rock that towered over many, the light spring winds brushed her pelt as if to say she wasn't alone. But she felt it. And it made her feel...sad, inside.

Olive green gaze stared blankly out over the horizon, from her perch atop the rocks she could see for miles...animals dotted the lands here and there, and although she should have seen beauty in the landscape, she just couldn't. Her heart felt lonely, heavy...she missed her mother now more then ever, for she was the only one to accept her for who she truly was. Not even the morning sun could shed light on her darkened thoughts...

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'