
The Wind Whispered To Me



6 Years

07-29-2015, 11:12 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2015, 07:29 PM by Esarosa.)
There was a light bounce in her step as Esarosa made her way around the Rock Garden, careful not to stub her toes on the stones - she was glad to be exploring again without a worry in the world. Though she was still thin from her time spent in the north, she was slowly recovering as spring drew on and the lands began to flourish. And as her body replenished, she had grown into her full feminine frame and the spring season had brought on her first cycle. She'd been trying to remain hidden so as to not expose herself, but she was growing lonely again, and didn't want to forgo making friends just because of what her body was going through.

She halted her gait suddenly and dropped into a crouch as she spotted movement at the bottom of a large boulder; she crept forward ever so slowly, and as she neared, she took a mighty leap and slammed a paw down on the shrew. She quickly shifted her jaws forward and crushed the tiny body, killing it quickly and devouring it in a few bites. She licked her lips contently, and clambered her way up the boulder to get a good look around, wondering where she might head to next.

She realized that there was an even larger boulder next to the one she was on, and as she gazed upward, she saw a silhouette against the glare of the morning sunlight. Curious, she wondered who else roamed the rock garden, and made her way around the rock to a place she could scramble up to join the other. She was interested as she spotted a lady with very unique coloring and patterns, something she'd not seen before. "Good morning!" she called out with a smile on her face, joining the larger wolf at her lookout point, "Enjoying the sunrise?" Oblivious to the stranger's current mood, it was the scent that caught her attention first; emerald eyes widened as she detected a masculine hint. She hoped she wasn't getting herself into trouble, and yet when she'd first approached, she'd been certain this wolf was a woman by the way she held herself. She shook her head; why should she be confused? It must be this season that is messing with my brain, I'm just paranoid, she concluded to herself with a nod, then perked toward the stranger, hoping for a greeting that would take her away from her thoughts.