
when the busy bee gathers



5 Years
Extra large
07-29-2015, 11:14 PM

Daddy wouldn't want you fighting. She's just a stupid little girl.

Vana chanted the words in her head like a mantra as her paws gouged furiously into the ground around the... at this point pretty mangled dandelion plant.

Just ignore her. Daddy wouldn't be happy if you beat up a girl a whole foot shorter than you..

And then she said it.

Say hi to Seraphim for me.

And everything went red.

Her hackles raised along her entire spine, and she spun to face the little brat. "Are you deaf? I said a proper pack, you stupid brat. Like Imperium. Abaven is just a bunch of cowards and losers and traitors, just useless lazy babies, and you are just like they are," she spat out. How the smaller girl even knew about Rhythm Destruction was beyond Evangeline's comprehension, but there was no one else in Imperium that had come from another pack so it had to be Rhythm, but had the girl known that the last time Vana saw the former Abaven wolf was when she'd ran away with that loser slave and hurt Vana's beloved daddy's heart and made him angry and sad, she probably wouldn't have been stupid enough to bring her up. "Look at you running away just like your stupid alpha did after my mom stole stupid Rhythm from your stupid useless pack. Yeah, run back to Abaven and cry to your alpha like a baby!" She wasn't... entirely sure that was what had happened, exactly, but that's certainly the way she'd always pictured it. Daddy had probably made the alpha cry, and that's why they didn't try to get Rhythm back at all. She'd make this irritating little ragamuffin cry too and send her back with her tail between her legs.

The words tumbled out at high volume in a torrent of rage, Vana's teeth bared in a rictus of fury despite the taunting nature of her words. How dare this grimy little monster vomit out such filthy slander? How dare she even say Seraphim's name? How dare she? Evangeline shook with a white-hot hate, physically shook and the only thing that held her back from sinking her teeth into the other girl's throat was that Daddy would be disappointed in her for fighting a smaller girl who was clearly too dumb to know what she was saying. "You're a dirty, stupid little bitch and you stay away from my brothers or I will kill you! I will rip off your stupid tail and make you eat it! You stay away from them!" It was a good thing Angelus wasn't there - he'd have told on her for swearing, for sure. But oh, it would have been so worth it anyway.
