
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)



3 Years
07-31-2015, 06:53 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

It became clear almost immediately that Miksa's idea to pull his left forepaw out from under Laufey's before his opponent could pin it was more sound in theory than it was in practice. As he drew the paw back, causing the aching muscles of his left shoulder to cry a vehement protest, the tops of his toes began to burn, and though he could not quite fathom why through his distraction the picture was clear on his foot. Welts were raised along the tops of his toes, shallow gouges cut from the topmost layers of skin, where Laufey's claws had intended to dig in and hold him in place and managed to inflict minor damage as the foot was pulled away. It still hurt, in an uncomfortable sort of way, but compared to his shoulder that still throbbed it was bearable.

To his surprise, and relief, the bite he had intended for the back portion of the shadowy intruder's left shoulder made contact, his upper canine sinking in behind the shoulder blade and the lower puncturing the shoulder four inches below that. Miksa wrinkled his lips back as he further narrowed his eyes and continued to tuck his ears, concentrating forcefully on an attempt to bite down harder now that he had a hold on Laufey with the hopes of keeping it through whatever may come next. From the sound of his opponent's cry, he sickeningly suspected retaliation was quickly on the way and almost dreaded having made a successful attack for it. In preparation - of what he had no clue - he kept his weight supported between his three uninjured legs, tenderly setting his left forepaw upon the group to take some of the pressure off of his left shoulder. His knees stayed bent, keeping his center of gravity low, and, though it still hurt, he kept his shoulders rolled forward protectively, the front of his body tensing in expectation of Laufey's next attack.

Sure enough, the intruder wasted no time as he roared, and Miksa felt the force of Laufey's bite on his lower jaw tighten. The teeth pinched at the skin and muscle covering his jaw, painfully straining at the flesh that had already been torn by the initial punctures, and again Miksa winced from the pain. Laufey began to thrash, shaking his head roughly back and forth, and with the bite securing his hold to Miksa the younger and smaller wolf had no choice but to be jostled by the motion. He clenched his eyes shut as more tears filled them, straining now himself to maintain a biting grip on Laufey's shoulder as a sort of stabilizer. Either way, his head felt rattled, his jaw now ached, and his face stung even more painfully from the bite wound that had been worsened from the harsh movements of Miksa's opponent.

With some effort he managed to keep his footing as he was jostled around by Laufey's thrashing, his tail flagging outward and making rudder-like motions to assist with balance and the toes and claws of his uninjured legs digging into the ground for purchase and traction. He thought he was safe, or at least as relatively safe as one could be within the grasp of their opponent, but Laufey made it clear he was not. Unexpectedly Miksa felt his attacker's left forepaw once more come down over his own left forepaw, and still disoriented by the thrashing he did not have enough time to react and avoid it. The shadowy wolf's larger paw covered his, the weight behind the stomp successfully pinning his foot beneath it and scraping the rough pads over his now sensitive toes.

Almost in the same instant Miksa felt the contact against his already injured left shoulder as Laufey sprang forward, a near perfect replication of the initial attack that had started it all. Tears returned to his vision for a second time, and at the pain that flared in answer to the attack Miksa was startled into releasing the bite he had been trying to hold against his opponent's left shoulder. With his left forepaw pinned, he was forced back at a stumble and just about lost his footing entirely as his right foreleg buckled halfway, compromising his stance and balance. Things were not looking good now, and in his rising panic Miksa reached out to his left, toward Laufey's left shoulder once more, and attempted to make one last bite against his opponent. His vision still blurred by tears, he rather blindly tried to sink his left canines again into the side of Laufey's left shoulder in mimicry of his first bite, aiming slightly below the top curve of it where his upper left canine had found purchase the first time because of his now-lowered stance. Miksa hoped against all hope to inflict at least a sliver more of damage before his opponent completely got the upper hand.

for dominance