
Even stone will crumble


04-07-2013, 06:39 PM
Midnights hackles dropped slowly her body relaxing slightly though she did not sit, ?the shore?? she questioned offering a sheepish smile part apology it really had been a long time since she had rested properly, still jumping at shadows was not a useful endeavour, ?I don?t believe I have ever seen the shore.? as the silence moved between them midnight relaxed completely a pack would not wait this long if they planned to attack they would just attack, right. When the dame introduced herself midnight smiled in earnest and flicked her shortened tail "Aria Corvi I like it, my name is midnight,? her smile stuttered a bit as she realised she had no title to give then returned as she continued, ?loner extraordinary,? it was a good title far better then rogue or outsider.

Introductions done she stretched slightly and sat once more, a frown crossing her face as she though of the others introduction and relised she had no idea what half the words she had said actually meant lude...ludicael was probably her pack but then ?what?s a lunav?? she asked her prior fear had been replaced by an almost puppy like wish to know all there was to know and hey it wasn't everyday she met a friendly wolf so why not. She still kept a watchful eye on her surroundings and one ear remained cocked listening for any sound that would alert her to danger but this dam seemed harmless enough.

She listened intently to the answer aria gave then the moment Aria paused after the explanation she blurted out another, ?what?s the shore like, i've only ever really seen forest and snow. Living the loner life she was free to go where she pleased but safty was also rare finding a safe path between bears and cougars, mountain lions and whatever else was a daunting prospect far better to find a safe place and stay there, at least until the weather changed.