Not All Who Wander Are Lost
07-30-2015, 06:27 PM
Golden eyes pierced through the darkness as Karabela stumbled into the Glowshroom Cavern. Upahead she could see the subtle shades of darkness shifting to an eerie blue glow. The young woman stood still. She suddenly wasn't sure she wanted to go on ahead but she could almost hear Rœkia's voice in her ears, calling her a coward. Stupid little munchkin twit… Raba took a deep breath and strolled forward. She was the daughter of Dægmar Thyre! She wasn't afraid of anyone or anything!
As Raba walked further into the cavern her nose wrinkled at the damp, earthy smell of the space. As she turned a corner her jaw suddenly dropped open at the mass of mushrooms that covered the place, glowing with a strange blue light. Ok… there had to be magic involved. That was just downright unnatural!
Curious the gold-eyed femme learned out to sniff one then recoiled at the strange acrid scent. Reaching out a paw she swatted one of the mushrooms, watching little flecks of blue spores float into the air as the mushroom waggled back and forth. How far back did this go?
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king