
Rough & Tough...NOT!



10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-30-2015, 07:33 PM (This post was last modified: 08-01-2015, 11:10 PM by Ashelia.)

For once she sat and listened quietly as she explained more information to her that it seemed, she didn't have to bug him about. Her head tilted when he explained what 'stumbling upon someone' met, and she was satisfied with the answer as she gave a vigorous nod when he finished. "Yay so you stumbled on me!" Well, he didn't exactly trip over her or anything, but she was close to what he meant. Her tail wagged, practically sweeping the floor behind her like a snow angel without the snow. She was excited and part of her grateful that this male had stumbled upon her. She didn't want to admit it, but she was lonely.

When he explained to her about his pelt, her brows furrowed. Why would someone make fun of such a pretty coat? Maybe she was just weird. Yeah, that was it. She knew it too, but who cared? Normal was boring anyway! He went on to explain about his family, and her eyes grew wide and she frowned. His parents were dead? It made her sad for him, and in turn, it made her think about her own family. Had her parents died as well? She didn't have much time to think about it, she didn't want to. She didn't like to be sad, and she still held hope that her family would one day come back.

"I'm sorry to hear that..." She wasn't sure what else to say. She had never dealt with death before, even though giving her age, she still didn't quite understand what death was. She wouldn't ask though, maybe she'd learn about it later on. Her ears perked then, when he asked about her life. Yes! Finally someone could listen to her blab about nothing! Her life wasn't entirely exciting, but she'd done a lot of interesting things! Okay...maybe not interesting to someone else, but they were interesting to her. "Umm...let's see...I was born in a pack too. My momma was a hunter and my daddy was a warrior. My pack's name is Valhalla, er...was. I got lost one day and couldn't find my way back. But when I finally did, I couldn't find them anywhere! So I came this way and I've kinda been living in this cave myself...with nobody to play with." She sighed, offering an awkward smile as the thoughts saddened her. Gods damn it all! She didn't like to be sad..

"Listen to me talk" 'and know my thoughts.'