
The Wind Whispered To Me


07-31-2015, 09:41 PM

Eyes closed, Val took a deep breath as she inhaled the morning air. She missed her mother greatly, and the heavy pit in her stomach would not go away. It hadn't since she was forced to leave, forced to say her final goodbyes to her dear mother. Her brows furrowed as she tried as hard as she could to keep from crying. The confusion that wracked her brain about what she was, filled her with untold emotions and thoughts. Was this the right path? Was it the wrong path? Her pack had marked her for what she was to be, even though it was a mistake, the symbol upon her face made her everything that she was. If it weren't true, then she was nothing more then an abomination. But did fate really play cruel tricks like that? She was born a man, but she was marked with the reversed triangle, a symbol for femininity. It couldn't be an error, nobody made an error like that...and if the Gods above had a sick sense of humor, why was she the one chosen to walk this path?

"Good morning!" A voice brought her back to the present, eyes flying open as she became startled for a moment until she saw someone else. A female, to be exact. Olive green eyes showed surprise as the woman joined her upon the rock she was standing on. She was surprised by the stranger's eagerness, perhaps she was alone to? "Yes, I suppose you could say that." She kept herself relaxed, though when she noticed the eyes of the stranger widen, the fur on her shoulders instinctively rose. "Is...there something wrong, stranger?" Her voice was guarded, her tone reserved as she glanced at the woman from the corner of her eye.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'