
Lo, there do I see my father (RAID)



4 Years
08-01-2015, 12:02 AM

Malice-less excitement in the face of victory transformed the woman's features and Warja went from a battle sneer to an expression of unabashed glee in a matter of heartbeats as she stared down at her opponent. The submission wasn't a true showing of her skills, but it nonetheless pleased her that she painted a scary enough picture to freeze an opponent in place.

Giddy, Warja leaped off her downed opponent in search of another. Her head snapped around as she searched for a new target. This raid thing was fun! Ah HA! There was an all white woman with funny eye markings and a mismatched gaze (Varda) just standing there looking fretful. Lips curled back in a toothy grin to wrinkle the skin along Warja's muzzle and around her eyes. Everyone else appeared to be engaged. It looked like it was just the two of them. Her eyes narrowed and her ears slicked back once more.

Itching for a fight, Warja bound forward in the hopes of approaching her opponent's left side with the intention of lining the bony front of her left shoulder up with the meaty exterior of her opponent's left shoulder. She hoped to straighten out and reach this positioning in a perfectly straight line; her body in a rigid line. Still grinning, she watched her opponent for signs of a pending attack. Warja made no move to hide her intentions as she moved. This was a raid, after all. She wasn't here to hand out flowers and the opposition knew that. As she moved she adopted a fighter's stance; her knees and elbows bent ever so slightly, her stance widened so that her paws were just over shoulder and hip width apart, and her toes were splayed with nails tipped down to bite into the dirt. Behind her, Warja's tail lifted to hang level with her spine for added balance. Her hackles stood tall and rigid, and ran the length and width of her back. There was a whimsy to her movements that belied her readiness and if one wasn't looking the little details might go unnoticed; the tense way she held herself, the tightly coiled muscles that were primed and ready for quick movements; the lowered chin that loosened the skin at her throat. She was ready.

Kicking forward suddenly in what she hoped was a surprising burst of speed, Warja sought to close the distance between herself and her opponent rapidly. Jutting her left shoulder out with the intention of using the bony front of it like a lance, Warja bent her knees further as she sought to drive the aforementioned shoulder into the outside of her opponent's left elbow. She wanted to hit the joint squarely in the hopes of forcing the leg to buckle and to painfully strain the fibers that held the joint together in the hopes of temporarily rendering the limb useless. As she did this Warja lifted her right forefoot and snaked it forward blindly in the hopes of sneaking it under her opponent's chest and hooking her wrist around behind her opponent's right foreleg. She aimed to hook her wrist around the middle of her opponent's foreleg and drag it under her (Varda's) chest. These two moves were supposed to work hand in hand; the first would hopefully cause her opponent to stumble and the second, once her opponent's balance was (hopefully) compromised, would force the taller woman to tumble to her (Varda's) right.

Fixing her eyes on another target, Warja's jaws flung wide open as she went in for a bite. She sought to bite into the meaty exterior of her opponent's left shoulder. Her upper teeth were aimed at the center of the outside of Varda's left shoulder and her lower teeth were aimed to sink in approximately four inches directly below that. Warja hoped to sink her fangs in deeply and drive them together in a damaging and painful hold.

Round ONE of TWO
