
The Wind Whispered To Me


08-01-2015, 02:51 AM

"No..." She turned her head just slightly, watching the woman take a seat as she appeared to look uncomfortable...or perhaps confused? Nostrils flared slightly as she detected another scent. One that was familiar within her memories, one that her mother and the other females in her old pack carried around a certain time. One that she would never experience, and she didn't know if that was a good thing...or a bad thing. It made her feel less of what she was, but it was something she couldn't help. Though she would have loved to have children of her own, she knew that biologically, it would never happen. In a sense, no she wasn't okay. But she didn't know this stranger enough to tell her that. "I'm fine." She lied. But if she hadn't been lying, perhaps the question would have caused her to quirk her brow and look at her as if the woman was crazy. But she didn't. She was far too busy questioning her own existence to be that rude...for now.

Her gaze turned back the morning sun as it slowly rose above the horizon. It was certainly a sight in this strange land during the spring left her sort of speechless, though not the other woman evidently."Yeah, I have to agree with you on that one." It was true. The swirls of blues, and pinks, and oranges was simply breath taking. She laughed a little as the woman continued, this time causing her to tilt in her direction with a sort of smile on her face. Why let the morning be ruined by thoughts that were out of her control? When this was something that could be in her control. Something...she was thankful for, for once in her life. "You're fine honey. I don't mind the company once in a while." She offered a genuine smile, and it would be her turn to further break the ice. "My name is Valentina. It's nice to meet you, Esarosa." She dipped her head to the woman, olive green gaze growing softer and her fur finally lied flat again. "So what bring you out here?"

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'