
When the seasons change


08-01-2015, 06:25 PM

Arian’s words surprised the man a bit. Sure Walker’s had it in their blood to rule, but for Allen such a thing was not natural in his mind. No, in his mind he had always been more of a follower. Following behind Hajime as his nephew sought to rebuild a lost kingdom for their family. So much had happened since then. So very very much. Allen would let out a soft sigh, letting his gaze waver away from Arian’s own. “Truthfully, Arian, it feels strange. Stepping up as secondary was awkward enough... But holding a pack on my shoulders now, well, it almost feels surreal.”

He would let his gaze turn to Starling as the boy arrived. Ahh, so he was to go to Sonticus for the time being for his training. He was sure that Shrike and Lark would miss him, but perhaps it was for the better. He would give a go ahead nod, speaking softly. “I don’t see why he shouldn’t be allowed to go.” He would let his gaze flick back to Arian.

She was expecting? Well, what wonderful news! Allen would let a smile cross onto his face as he tipped his head in her direction. “Congratulations to you, Arian.” The aging man said gently. “I’m sure you’ll be a wonderful mother.” The calico gentleman would give Star a gentle nudge. “If that is all you two need from me I wish you a safe journey. May you both be well.”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah