
Gather the Devil's Hoard


08-01-2015, 08:08 PM
Arietta would remain faithfully by Sin’s side as he spoke. The man would update their children on the current news, as well as speaking of Squirrel, the slave that he had acquired. Arietta would allow her gaze to travel over the creature, her face bearing a frown. What a sad creature he seemed to be. Perhaps her heart went out to him some... He... He reminded her of when she first met Sin. She would let her gaze travel to Forsaken, seeing her son give an angry huff before storming off.

Arietta would rise, lifting a paw as if meaning to go after him before setting it down. No... The boy would return in his own time. Perhaps he simply wasn’t ready yet to reunite with his family. The female would give a small nod before letting her gaze turn to her remaining children. She’d stalk towards Paradox first, reaching out to nuzzle her daughter. Then she would move to Enigma, her pale colored boy, to give him one as well.

“I’m glad that you’re both safe. I’ve missed you so.” She would smile, letting her gaze travel to Sin. “Your father is right, however. We are expecting another litter. You will have more siblings soon.” The female would wag her tail back and forth.