
Taking the Time [PACK MEETING]


08-02-2015, 12:22 PM

Disaster. That was what had struck on his outing with Hakku. The man was dragging himself back, one paw pad injured. Blood dripped from the wound as he hobbled along, his ears pinned back against his head as he tried to make it home. Arian. He had to get to Arian. He felt sick, his mind racing with horrid thoughts. It wouldn't have been so bad if that was the only wound upon his body, but there were more. Bites and scratches, blood staining the gray coat red in places. He felt like he was going to be sick. Worry, fear, anger... so many emotions mixed inside of Cypress' being as he forced himself towards Arian's call.

He found himself the first to arrive, and Cypress would practically collapse upon the dock. He looked a mess. Like he'd been chewed up and spit out by some rabid demon or something. Cy would pant, looking up at her with pained eyes. "Arian... We... need to talk after the meeting." He would adjust himself so that he was laying on the deck, stubborn enough to refuse treatment until Arian had said her piece to the pack. He would talk to her later. It was sure to stir some emotions within her... he just hoped she wouldn't try to delay the meeting for his sake.
