
Playing the Victim

Bronze i


12 Years
04-07-2013, 09:40 PM (This post was last modified: 04-07-2013, 09:42 PM by Bronze i.)

Bronze had been honest when he'd called her a friend. If Loccian wasn't a friend, he wasn't sure what a creature would need to do to earn that title. Surely healing him and feeding him and putting up with him was enough to make her something more than an acquaintance.

Loccian seemed to understand his lack of reply thus far. Her nod indicated that much; she seemed to fall deep into thought, as if thinking of a more specific question to ask him. The brute's own tail flicked behind his lying frame, an indication of the pleasure he was gaining from her company. A slight smile was visible still, an invisible force twisting the corners of his lips upwards ever so slightly.

"I have plenty of family, but none anywhere around there," Bronze said, deep tones dancing with a strange emotion. It was as though he was unused to talking about his family. Perhaps it pained him? It was likely she was wondering if he had family who might either want to join, or cause trouble. "I have a mother, and a father..." A smirk crept over his features, well aware he was being a bit of a smart ass, but the expression died quickly. "They are both dead. I have three uncles... Baldev, Toshern, and Tasaga. Most likely dead by now. Cousins as well... Hoven, Xhen, Crean, Sparkle, and Flame." Brows furrowed slightly, emotion washing over him. "I know the whereabouts of none of mycousins, but I think they are alive somewhere. I have only one sibling, a half-brother, called Demitx."

A pause followed, and Bronze let his eyes drift from Loccian to the ground directly in front of him. None of this meant much of anything to her, and yet he felt curiously relieved to let it all out. "I have children as well, though it has been too long since I saw any of them." The pain was audible in his voice, which wavered as he spoke, cracking slightly. But his face was a perfect mask of calmness as his brown eyes focused unblinkingly a spot of grass before him. "Their names are Firelight, Cloud, Artemis, Apollo, and Alione. I don't even know how many seasons it has been since I've seen them..." A sigh escaped his jaws, a sound burdened with loss. "I have family, but some have simply been lost in time, and others I have abandoned myself. I have destined myself to loneliness." A slight grin was offered as he turned to glance at Loccian, but even he couldn't hide the regret that had begun to seep into his tough exterior. How could he hide it? He hadn't discussed his family in so long, he hadn't expected it to be quite so difficult...