
First of the Year [MEETING]



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
08-02-2015, 02:15 PM

Ghosting into the Orchard, Valentine cast an assessing eye across the tangled lanes of trees. He marveled at this place; the order and chaos that went hand in hand. Each lane was perfectly straight, each tree was roughly the same size. High overhead the boughs of the trees stretched free and without the intervention of man. They tangled with the arms of their neighbors and made passage easy for the small mammals that called the treetops home. The harmony above clashed with the disorder below. The ground was a tangle of briars and brambles. Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, muscadine and feral wine grapes grew thickly, but mixed in with them was an unnameable variety of useless weeds. They crowded one another for sunlight, each throwing thin tendrils heavenwards in the hopes of climbing to the top of the heap. Pathways rambled through the maze of greenery, the frequent passage of creatures helping to (somewhat) shape the growth of the brambles.

Choosing one of the pathways, Valentine ambled into the heart of the Orchard. Today he was going to call the pack together. It was about time they gathered and discussed the coming seasons. Many of Imperium's members were under the age of two and could benefit from tutelage as they reached adulthood. There was also an embarrassing lack of laborers in the pack. Somehow they needed to fix that.

The path he was on opened up into a clearing. For whatever reason a few trees here had died and fallen, their trunks having long since sunk into the earth. The lack of cover overhead let the sunlight in and the brambles, without trunks and branches to lean on, had been overcome by the weeds and grasses that dogged them throughout the Orchard. Right now the grasses were just beginning to make a comeback and because of this the vast majority of them stood no taller than the middle of the King's forelegs. Valentine seated himself on the edge of the circle of sunlight looking in. After a moment's thought he called the pack to him, making it clear that all members were required to attend.

OOC: The deadline of the first round is August 9th. All members except those whose players are on absence are required to attend this meeting. There will be consequences for no shows.
"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.