
Custom Concern


04-07-2013, 10:13 PM (This post was last modified: 04-07-2013, 10:14 PM by Deteste.)

These lands were enchanting. Laxago,I thought, even in her moodiness would be enchanted by the foreign trees and the moonlit waters. I had left the girl at dusk, an hour or two after I'd lulled her to sleep so that she would not miss my presence. I hoped she would not wake and find me absent. Though I had let her know that I would be about looking for a new home for us. I'd hunted and eaten before entering the territory and the recent meal filled my lanky body a bit. I meant to look as strong and useful as possible. It was necessary to find a pack before the autumn and winter came. I could not tend to Laxago without the help of others.

Beneath the deep shade of a large mangrove I sat and contemplated the conversation I would have with the leader of this land. The shade and night darkness combined I was invisible except for my eyes. I had not yet crossed into what appeared to be the pack line. I found myself increasingly anxious and the worst of scenarios filled my thoughts. It was unlikely, I had to admit to myself, that any alpha would allow wolves such as ourselves into their packs. Laxago was not exactly an asset. In fact she was almost the opposite of that, she did not have much to contribute to pack life. She was certainly not social and in her condition would not be able to fulfill any sort of pack duties, especially hunting. As her caretaker, with her level of need, I would need to find some sort of balance between duties, taking up those Laxago could not fulfill and taking care of the girl herself without making her feel as if I were forgetting about her.

A frustrated whine erupted from my chest and into the silent night. It was deep and it's level of melancholy surprised me. I sat in my dark spot, hoping to remain unseen as I contemplated a return to home. I stared forward, not seeing but thinking of better times, the few that there were, immobilized by the weight of my responsibilities.
Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.