
These Eyes of Mine

Mercy I


5 Years

08-02-2015, 05:12 PM

She had been hiding.

Sure Mercy had been within her pack lands at all times, in fact she had hardly left it. But to call her an active member would be something of a joke. Since her first season of heat has passed, she had been placed into some sort of rut. The need to do anything at all had left her, replaced with thoughts that haunted her mind. She was a pretty simple girl on most good days, a good fight and some sweet lovin' was pretty much all she could think of. But now, there were much darker thoughts that lingered, their whispered words coiling around her like a dark serpent. That is what had driven her away, making her fall behind in all that she had hoped and dreamed. Mercy would not allow herself to be a bump on a log any longer though, it was time to step things up and become a man. Err... woman.

The last time she had seen Valentine, they had taken their relationship one step further. That had been in Winter, and it was Spring now. Even though a bit of the winter chill still hung in the air, she could put off this meeting no longer. The thought of what they had done made a warm feeling stir in her belly, and she paused in her steps to take a deep breath. Now was hardly the time to dwell on thoughts like this. It was time to buck up and talk to her alpha about the things that had been plaguing her mind. There was something wrong with her, and she knew it. Plus, she felt like she owed Valentine an apology for suddenly vanishing like that.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.