
First of the Year [MEETING]



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
08-02-2015, 06:20 PM

Mr. Valentine called a meeting. That was rare. Esti and Ashmedai had been training again, this time working more on how to combine attacks. He had had his first spar and was mostly patched up, but he wasn't ready for another spar yet. Esti herself was itching for another spar, but she too needed to make sure she was properly healed first. Shooting a glance to Ashmedai as Valentine's call rang out, a smile spread to her face. As she looked at Ash, she realized he had the same smirk, only wider and perhaps more innocent, "Alright then, lesson over for now! We might continue after the meeting so don't you dare go wandering off." Her tone was only half serious, but she did still feel like her son needed more training. Still, meetings were the most important, right? That's what being a pack wolf was about. Esti thought it made sense. It was better to have everyone on one... er... understanding.

Esti didn't wait for Ashmedai. Ashmedai didn't wait for Esti. It was fine, Esti had some other things to attend to. Coming into the meeting space, Esti noted all of her favorite people, Marcy, Rhythm, and whoever the whitey one was. On the other hand there was Valentine and Revenge, both guarded by their respective ladies. Wasn't Cascade supposed to be by Valentine's side, not Valentine's playmate? Esti made her way past Revenge and Mercy, keeping on the other side of Revenge as she brushed by, "I had fun on our date Revenge, thank you." She really had had fun on their last date and she hadn't thanked him, but she didn't want Revenge to suddenly forget about her because his sister was suddenly back. Where had she been anyway? Esti didn't care personally, she was just nosy and wondered what Valentine thought of all the women that hung around him then disappeared or disobeyed him then came back. A wolf would think one could only take so much of that, but that seemed to be the company he drew. Well, besides Cascade, who was arguably the best wolf in the pack. It wasn't Esti's business. She wouldn't ask. She knew she was loyal to Valentine and her growing loyalty for the pack kept her in her place.

Esti continued walking, not totally stopping even as she spoke to Revenge, offering him a wink before glancing at his sister briefly. Her smirk wavered slightly, but then she turned to the other wolves. She greeted the whitey one because she couldn't keep calling her 'the whitey one' forever, "Esti Kigu, welcome and stuff. I'm Ashmedai's mother. You'll know when you see him, looks like his father, but has the energy of... hell I don't know, you'll see." she shook her head. Since when did she introce herself as a mother. Geez... "Anyway, what's you're name?" Esti paused, glancing over her shoulder for Ashmedai, then to Valentine. Her smile widened, or maybe grew sharper. She glanced to Rhythm and felt her eyebrows rising before she quickly glanced back to the whitey one. She wouldn't let herself ask or suggest anything. Who? Her? Nope, Esti knew nothing and said nothing.
