
U mad huh?



9 Years
Athena I
08-02-2015, 10:17 PM

Back before he had really begun to settle into Fiori he used to make frequent trips to the range. He wasn't sure why he felt the need to visit his first home, but it had reached the point of a compulsion after a while. He never really told anyone he was going, especially not his mother. He felt like it was a sore spot that he didn't want to cross even though that assumption was probably all in his head. Leo hadn't made the trip in quite a while though, especially when all of all of his alpha duties that he had now to keep him busy. Today though he had a rare moment of boredom and for some reason the place crossed his mind.

That's what had pulled him out this way. However, as he reached a smaller section of the Rio Grande that he could swim across to the range that laid on the other side he paused and sniffed the air. His brows pulled together and he double checked what he caught and his heart sank. A pack had claimed it. A heavy sigh passed his lips and for a moment he just stared across the river at the place that he had known as home in his youngest days. He had absolutely no ties to that place now, but it was still saddening to know that for the foreseeable future he would be closed off from it. Leo turned away from the river and glanced around the area. He suddenly felt like this whole trip was a waste of time and he wondered what he might do now to make it worth it.

"Talk" "You" Think