
Treat me cruel



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-03-2015, 12:14 AM
Sin Hellstrom

The bloodied creature eyed the man, amber gaze never leaving his form as he continued to pick apart the males very soul. He didn't appear to be of the goody two shoes type, so he was a little confused why this male had joined the pack that he was in. His gaze would return to the brutes, however, when he stated he wasn't interesting in fitting in. Sin was about to ask him exactly what he meant by that, but before he could open his mouth to speak the male spoke again, something more witty. Though Sin liked the response, his own maw grew into a grin as laughter swept past his lips. "Well, that's a dream easily reached." He drew back his lips in a wider grin, matching the boys wicked desires. So he wasn't a goody two shoes after all, he'd definitely stumbled upon the right man today.

He gave his name, Sin nodding in acknowledgement. He waited for the boy to finish before responding, and once he was done Sin stood tall, tail sweeping his own hocks as he sized up the other. "Xephyris...a fitting name, I suppose. And if i'm not mistaken, you seem to be with the wrong pack. They don't give nor offer what you truly desire, it seems. Otherwise you wouldn't still be here talking to me." He chuckled heartily, a sinister sound driven from his vocals. "I myself hail from the far north, though I have remained in Alacritia until last year when I went off on a journey. I've only just returned this past winter, and now I seek to dominate. It seems you seek the same, you're smart. Perhaps too smart for the likes of your...pack."

He moved closer to Xephyris, amber eyes looking him up and down as he chose to walk around him, evaluating the males strength. Though he wouldn't be entirely sure of how strong he was without sparring with him, he did have an eye for detail. And he was sure those in Sonticus weren't as headstrong nor as determined as this one. When he finished his examination, he came to stand before him once more. A foot or so away, not entirely spaced but not right in his face either. "If it's Sin you are looking for, then you've found it. I will offer you a proposition. I seek create a kingdom, and I need some...allies, if you will, to help me build it up. So I offer you a place within my domain, and in turn I will come for you come next season." He turned to gaze at Xephyris from the corner of his eye, mischief gleaming brightly.

He then looked him dead in the eye, the mischievous gleam remained as he spoke again. Now was the time to spin his words around this man, though he doubted he'd have to do much work. He was convincing, his tongue of silver and poison easily spun around most he came across, but he didn't entirely feel the need to do that this time. Desire and greed could become ones worst enemy, or ones ambition. And Xephyris, had ambition in Sin's eyes. Just as he did."Allow me to aid you in unlocking your potential. I promise you, that you will find it. You'll not waste your time being ignored and cast aside like yesterdays carcass any longer then you have to within that pitiful pack...With me, you'll grow strong and perhaps even rule a pack of your own. What do you say?" The ball was in Xeph's court now, Sin would keep his promise on his end.