
A New Face


08-03-2015, 09:20 AM

Leaving home had been a bit heartbreaking. To know her aging mother and father would be left to their own devices when she and her siblings left, yet she knew that there could be coddling no longer. It was time to get out in the world and show them what she was made of. There was a code of course, following the Black tradition of codenames and such. But sometimes Bernedette cared little for these traditions. She was her own wolf, her own woman, and only those closest to her would have the honor of her true name. Whether they were family or not mattered little to her.

Large head would lift, ears perked forward as she took her steps into the frozen North that was Alacritia. She didn't mind the cold, it suited her. The tougher the conditions the tougher the wolf in her eyes. She would let her bi-colored gaze wander, a certain thoughtfulness within those bright orbs. For the wolfess was far from stupid. No, she had a crafty, intelligent mind that was sharp and bright. Bernadette would give pause, breathing in deep a scent she had caught on the breeze once more. A pack.

When she had dispersed from her family it was to find her place in the world. To find a pack to grow strong with and prove herself within. She wanted to work with others, but also show she could handle her own business when the time came. A smile would form on her lips, a knowing, sure thing. Though she couldn't know just yet if this pack would be right for her there was only one way to test the theory. She had to go to it and call for the alpha or alphess. Only then, and through time, could the woman see if it was a good fit.

Bernadette would press on, drawing closer to the territory that Yfir held. She would pause respectfully away from the border, her bulky form remaining in a standing, ready position. Head would tilt back, her call sounding for the owner of the pack.

It was time to talk business.