
Don't Make A Mistake


08-03-2015, 09:40 AM

Hypnos waited. There was curiosity within Kapra’s voice, and though his words might have seen offensive by certain others to Hypnos they were as the man always spoke. Perhaps he was just used to the viking, and he would answer as truthfully as he could. “Mystic is pretty and kind, yes, but she has a heart. It is not for herself, but when it came to her family being in danger she too fought. She has potential, Kapra, if guided in the right direction. I love her not because she has strength of the body, but strength of the heart.” The young man’s eyes shown brightly.

“She accepted me when many others saw me as weak, as useless for my hindered leg. My own parents denounced me, tried to throw my life away. But I am here.” Hypnos would continue on. “I want to take her and prove to all that the weak can be made strong, and the broken mended. There is nothing in this world that is impossible if you put your mind to it, and the gods are willing.” Hypnos would keep his eyes on Kapra’s own.

“But though I love her I also love my pack, and respect you and Katja as if you were my kin. I will not abandon Yfir, and such was my oath. Where she stays I hope will be close, but no, I do not see her as a member of Yfir either. Not yet at the very least.”


Art by Tea