
Inside These Pages you HOLD Me

Mercy I


5 Years

08-03-2015, 09:36 PM

Rusted metal suck out of the ground in a haphazard matter, strewn about like leaves in the wind. The girl wove through them, the scent of the rotting material similar that to the stench of blood. It was a smell that the dame was used to, one that she missed and craved. A smirk coloured her black lips, her pale elongated tail curling around one of the instruments as she walked passed it. The cold sank into her very bones, chilling her. Pausing, she turned and looked at the object, black marked head tilting to the side slightly. What were all these things anyways? She had heard that they were from humans, that this was a place where they used to come for battle. Much like their own battlefield, but that place brought a thrill through her more than this place. No, this hill was... different. It almost felt more haunted, filled with things that she didn't even have a name for. Her purple gaze focused back on the metal sphere that her tail had claimed for its own. There was still parts of it that she could spot her reflection in, but it was badly warped with the dents in the sheet metal. Bending her head to sniff at it, she pulled back with a wrinkled nose. It smelled like blood and cold, the smell of metal somewhat knew to her. She had been to this place once before, but she had been a lot younger there. Sighing, she sat down and looked upwards, cursing the cold breeze that ruffled her white coat. Spring had started, and yet it felt nothing like it.

Noon came and passed, the sun offering her pelt little warmth. She stayed where she sat, still holding onto the object with her tail. She had no idea that it was a helmet, or that humans used to put on their heads as protection. Tales of humans were long gone, her mothers own stories had been very, very limited. Before long, she didn't doubt that any whispers of the strange creatures would even be around anymore, and yet this place still stood, holding items which they once claimed. But would these too turn to dust and fade away? Mercy wasn't sure of that, they seemed to stand for this long. Huffing, she glanced briefly at the object now, her long tail had warmed the parts that it touched. Silly things, these humans must have been. They weren't even strong enough to survive in this world, leaving it instead for the wolves to rule. She doubted that they would have even lasted longer, not into her mothers life time. If they could be eradicated so easily, were they ever that strong? She chuckled to herself, head shaking. She knew that wolves would never be erased from here, they were too strong. They outlived the humans, and she knew that they would outlive everything else that came their way.


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.